map with detailed view of events of Jesus' life
Study Maps of Bible History
Ancient map Nazareth
Ancient Map Bethlehem
Historical Maps of the Middle East
17 historic maps Jesus life
Bible Maps
Bible Maps and Atlas-wonderful printouts
The grape vine was one of the most important plants in Bible times. When there are many grape-vines located in one place it is called a VINEYARD
We have heard of Republicans, but what are publicans? We know all about Christmas, but what is the Passover? We know what a church building is like, but what is a Tabernacle?
To understand farming in Palestine, we need to know something about the climate and seasons of this land. Rain or water is an essential part of successful farming. It would be very unusual for us to go several months without any rain at all. But for those
This beast of burden is perfectly designed for desert travel. Here are five reasons why: 1) The camel is able to store water in its body so that it can travel for days without drinking.
But when the Jews thought of the first month, they thought of Nisan. The Jewish months were different. The twelve Jewish months were as follows: